
  • Vector Cloning

    • Free and highly intuitive online vector design studio allowing the quick design of custom vectors.
    • A huge inventory of functionally validated vector backbones and vector components.
    • 100% sequence guarantee.
    • IP of custom vectors owned by customers.

  • Virus Packaging

    Our virus packaging services cover lentiviruses, adeno-associated viruses, adenoviruses, MMLV, MSCV, baculovirus, VSV, and HSV. We offer GMP manufacturing for multiple viral vector systems including AAV, lentivirus, and MMLV among others.

  • mRNA Delivery Solutions

    VectorBuilder provides a one-stop solution for the development of mRNA-based therapeutics, such as vaccines, gene editing, chimeric antigen receptor (CAR), and protein expression in cells or embryos. Based on the extensive design and production experience, our team can support researchers for in vitro transcription (IVT) vector design, vector cloning, in vitro mRNA synthesis, mRNA-LNP production, and in vitro/in vivo functional testing to accelerate the development of mRNA-based vaccines and gene therapy.